Intuition vs. Anxiety
Intuition is calmer, its gentle and like a whisper. I often refer to it as those whispers you get in the shower- you're in the shower and you all of a sudden feel something calm and relaxed come over you. In summary, intuition:
✨ Is about bigger moments
✨ Can be easily ignored, it is a quiet whisper
✨ Focuses on the present
✨ Comes with peaceful feelings, a simple knowing
✨ Does not cause physical symptoms
Anxiety is very future feeling, it's out there in front of you and based in fear. For example, you could be experiencing anxiety about (fearing) the outcome of a future event because this is a reaction to a perceived threat (think, irrational fears). In summary, anxiety:
🌀 Can be about anything
🌀 Cannot be easily ignored, it is loud and demands to be heard
🌀 Focuses on the future
🌀 Comes with negative feelings
🌀 Causes negative physical reactions
Do you struggle with differentiating anxiety and intuition? Did this help clarify the two for you?