Stop Glorifying the Workload and Exhaustion of an Overflowing Schedule

An overflowing schedule leads to exhaustion and burnout. Feeling drained all of the time does not benefit you AT ALL

Utilizing practical strategies that help you manage your limited energy throughout the day will aid in focusing on the areas that matter most to you. They offer the best return on your energy investment

Your time has never been more valuable than it is at this moment 🕔

I help Highly Sensitive, Empathic and Intuitive therapists set a schedule that works with their energetic needs so they are able to leave work and feel like they still have energy to spend time with their kids, spouse or friends

Even though you spent all day with clients, you are no longer sucked dry! Imagine that?!

Click here to learn more about The Empathic Therapist course and how I can help you achieve this too 💫


How to Determine if a Feeling is Yours or Someone Else’s


How to Recharge Your Social Battery